Monday, September 5, 2022

Laser Power

 29 August - 4 September 2022

I had a good week! And some breakthroughs :). On Monday evening for FHE, there was ballroom dancing, which I convinced Sean to attend. Surprisingly, he didn't put up much of a fight and reluctantly agreed. And it seemed like he had a good time! At first, it sucked for me because I was one of the 6 girls out of 35 who didn't have a guy choose them as their partner, so I sat out the first several dances. Then the instructor had all the guys change partners and make sure to get the girls from the back, so then I got to dance with a handful of guys and had fun! We mostly focused on the waltz. 

Other highlights from this week... I finally turned on mom's laser machine and learned how to work it. My first couple of cuts were very frustrating and disheartening as I am trying to learn the settings and program. But I have hope that it'll get better from here on out. Here is the laser in action and a picture of my failed attempt to make cute baby milestone plaques:

I've also spent a lot of time researching more intern sites and called several places. I have a few promising leads! I had a phone call interview with one lady today that went really well and I am very excited to move forward with her and become an intern at her practice! But this process has also been a lot of rejections and no-responses. However, I have been trusting in the Lord that it will all work out and that he will provide the best place for me to gain the experiences I need to be a better instrument in His hands.

On Saturday, there were moments when I could have felt overwhelmed by all that I "should" or "could" do, but for some reason, I was in a place where I decided to focus on doing one thing at a time. I would just fixate on one task and work on it until it was done. Then, without overthinking it too much, I would just move on to another random task to do. It was such a blessing. I carried this mindset on to Sunday, where I thought, what can I be doing right now? What task can I accomplish? Then thoughts of "focusing on the prayer" or "going up to bear my testimony" or "make comments in Sunday school" came to my mind and I acted upon them! I was so proud of myself. When I got home from church, I ground up some gluten-free flour mix and cleaned up the house. I was surprised by how much energy I had, considering it was fast Sunday. I made fudge for dessert, and I didn't think it turned out that good, but my family loved it! I think it would be fun and cute to make different fudges for Christmas treats this year. Aaron and Briesa were supposed to come for Sunday dinner, but... Briesa's water broke (on her due date!) so they spent the evening at the hospital. No baby yet! Poor Bri is having painful contractions but they aren't bringing the baby out yet. So basically, this is my last blog entry before I officially become Aunt Emily! I am so pumped!!

I feel the Spirit and God's love. I haven't been the best at studying scriptures, but God knows that I am doing my best. I got to talk with Janette Rallison this week about the crazy world of publishing, and I learned some really good things. It was so kind of her to take the time to talk to me. I feel so blessed and loved that things are working out.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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