Sunday, September 25, 2022

Pool Party

 19 September - 25 September 2022

One highlight of my week was the Saturday night pool party, which was combined with another ward. It was at this huge home with a GIANT pool. They also had a basketball court and skate park in their backyard! I did not know if I was going to enjoy it, but I did! I stayed for three hours, and I played "Pig" with a bunch of others in the pool, and I was on fire! I was doing so good making shots if the person in front of me made the shot. I was in the final 2 people in both rounds! So that made it really fun. And I met some new people and one guy asked for my Instagram! We talked for a bit before I left and it sounded like he wanted to ask me on a date :).

I also realized this week that when I don't study my scriptures as intentionally, I have less power to resist temptation (specifically, when it comes to eating dairy treats like chocolate). Then I don't feel good, so I feel the spirit even less and have even less power to resist treats. It's a vicious cycle. So, solution? Have intense and powerful daily experiences in the Book of Mormon to help me eat healthier!

I got to talk with my friend Whitney this week, and I'm happy she is doing so well. She sounds so happy with her boyfriend Kenny, and I'm learning a lot about what healthy dating relationships look like from her.

Oh! Last Sunday was my first CFM study group, and we had a great turn out! Five guys and five girls! It seemed like everyone really enjoyed it and they want to keep coming back! Unfortunately, we won't be having it tonight due to a YSA devotional, so I hope it doesn't lose its momentum and people come next week! (Especially since next week is General Conference...)! 

As I went to the temple and did an endowment session with our ward Saturday morning, I felt the impression that God saved me specifically for this world and this time, in the darkest days, so that I can be the brightest light, and to not let anything of the world hold me back from rejoicing in the Lord and being fully engaged in enjoying the gospel and living as close to God as I can, no matter what others think or say or whatever my internal reservations or worries.

My only picture from this week is from this morning. Lucy, mom, and I went on a Sunday morning walk and Lucy climbed a fallen tree. We had some pretty crazy rain on Friday that flooded the house and apparently took down a tree! Also, I should mention that my coworkers really like me and keep saying how much they are going to miss me. Chris even said that he keeps hoping I'll change my mind last minute and stay instead of doing my internship. It feels nice to be appreciated!

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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