Sunday, October 2, 2022

General Conference

 26 September - 2 October 2022

Last Sunday evening, Briesa and Aaron and Gracelyn came over, and it was so fun to hold her because she was wide awake and looking all around. I love when she interacts with us. She sure is getting heavier! She'll be one week tomorrow. I took some cute pics of dad (or should I say, grandpa) holding her. She's so stinkin' cute! Mom is obsessed with her. Whenever dad is talking to Aaron on the phone and we hear a baby crying in the background, mom goes, "Graaaaclyyynnn! Grandma's here!"

This past week at work, I decided to spend time applying for scholarships since I'm still on break from school. I'll keep doing that this week, though I may not have as much time because a new girl (my replacement for next year) will be starting and I'll have to train her. On Monday for FHE, we played marshmallow baseball. I was very skeptical about it, so I wore sandals thinking that would get me out of playing... but then it was so fun and I was sad I didn't wear better shoes. Karma!! It was a good time. Also, this week I woke up at 5:30am every day to go walking with Lucy, because she's really unhappy about her weight and how she looks. Poor thing. I just want her to feel supported and loved in her goals, and mostly I want her to know how precious and amazing she is. I increased my scripture study this week and felt increased power to resist the temptation of eating sugar. On Wednesday, I went to ministering night and visited one of my ministering sisters who I haven't met, Jasmine. She wasn't home, but I met her parents. Thursday night, we had a Relief Society craft night and I made a Fall wreath. I wrote a note and left it and the wreath on Jasmine's doorstep. I finally heard back from her after inviting her to CFM study group. She said, "Thanks for the invite, but I'm moving soon. Take me off the contact list." So... I guess she didn't like my wreath. But oh well! Haha. :)

Also on Thursday, I had my work meeting. I had a lot of feedback and wasn't feeling that great this week (like every little thing was getting on my nerves), so I decided that at least I'd look cute. I'd went shopping with mom earlier to buy more professional clothes for when I start my internship as a therapist in three months (yeep!). So I looked goood! It went fine, and they liked my suggestions but then basically said, "Yeah, go research some more options and get back to us with the best one and then you can train us." Haha, so I gave myself even more work. 

 General Conference has been really good. I feel joy and pride to be part of the Lord's restored church. I'm not alone and I'm part of something amazing. I'm so happy and grateful for that and for my testimony and love of God. In order to follow the directions of the prophet, I'm going to spend more time in the temple by going to the Celestial room after initiatories or spending longer in there after endowments. I also decorated the front part of my office at Sun Income Tax in preparation for Halloween, which makes me happy--getting to bring parts of home to work and decorate, not necessarily Halloween itself. I'm not the biggest fan of dressing up... ha...ha...ha.

Funny moment of the week... I guess I broke my sunglasses by dropping them or something, and one of the lens came out, but I didn't notice when I put them on. It seemed a little weird, but I was like, "Oh well." But then I looked in the review mirror to back up and saw my reflection... HAHAHA!!!!

So, yup, I ordered new sunglasses :). You can tell how happy I was about that ordeal... ;). Aaron and Bri are coming over for dinner tonight. Yes, that means we'll get to see the baby again! YES! And then I have a Come, Follow Me study group coming over at 7pm, which I'm looking forward to!


Emily Burnham

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