Sunday, October 30, 2022

A Week to Laugh

 24 October - 30 October 2022

Hola, mi amigos. My tender mercy of the week was that I got to go back to work! I only work 12 hours a week now, but better than nothing! It has been nice to go into work, where it's pretty chill and quiet, and have time to do some homework. I've also made sure to have better scripture studies in the morning. It really helps if I read before I get up to exercise. I've also been studying by topic, which has been super cool. I think of some words that describe my problems or concerns for that day and then search for them and their synonyms in the scriptures and read verses about it. I've gained a greater appreciation for the Bible and how many emotions are expressed in its pages.

Monday night for FHE, we played glow in the dark Frisbee. It was pretty fun, and I even caught and threw the frisbee a couple of times without dropping it or messing up too badly! I was very happy about that! Tuesday was pretty productive because I went shopping after work and got new garments and things. Doing homework this past week has been tough... and by "homework" I really just mean trying to get ahead on all my essays that are due in three to five weeks. I want to get ahead on those so that I am not weighed down by them right before, during, and then after my trip to Chicago mid-November for my Track 2 Residency. But I'm doing my very best, and I did pretty good working on one essay on Saturday and felt so accomplished afterwards, for doing something I'd been DREADING but making progress anyway. Just so much pride and joy and encouragement. So I think I will be okay.

I have also started working on writing letters for my coworkers and giving them the best book recommendation EVER!! (aka, The Book of Mormon). On Wednesday evening, I drove Dana to ministering night and then back home. I was not in the best mood that night, but I am trying to be positive. At work on Thursday, I made a bunch of Gracelyn memes! Everyone loved them.

Then I snagged a quick pic of this cutie just chillin' while dad voted:

On Friday, I went to the temple and had a class meeting in the afternoon, and then we had friends over for dinner. I invited Jasen and Lucy invited her friends Ezra and Adeline. They all LOVED the pizza. Jasen and I then went to Elder Cook's devotional, and my favorite part was hearing him testify of his SURE witness of Jesus Christ's voice and face. I'd had a sacred and special experience at the temple earlier that day that brought me such a greater appreciation, love, and gratitude for my Savior, Jesus Christ, and I kept almost crying every time they talked about Jesus Christ.

I felt so calm on Saturday. I slept in almost until noon!! (I did get up at like 7:30am for almost an hour to talk with my dad and mom, but then headed back to sleep). I was so exhausted for whatever reason, and it felt amazing not having anything to do. I attended my family's ward Halloween party. They had chili and treats. Lucy got to be a swamp monster in the "haunted house" the YW put on inside the church. That was a hit. Seriously though, what would the ward do without the Burnhams? My mom seriously brought half of the carnival games, and then Val and I and mom did a lot of grunt work for helping to clean up at the end. We went home and then me and Lu watched Merlin until we fell asleep.

Can you spot the swamp monster??
Idk why they trusted me with the job of handing out candy... a few pieces may have gone missing...

Sunday was good. I picked Dana up for church and took her home. We had some good talks in the car, and I even made her laugh and smile big with my sound effects while turning corners and stuff. Sacrament meeting was really good, and Valerie did a great job teaching part of second hour. The other teachers weren't as good, but it was still good overall. My other highlight of the week was holding Gracelyn while she was in a really good mood and was actually snuggling with me! It's amazing how you can look for and create light and laughs during weeks when you otherwise don't feel all that great.


Emily Burnham

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