Sunday, October 16, 2022

Many Missionary Moments

 10 October - 16 October 2022

This past week was great! I was low-key dreading school starting back up again, but it hasn't been awful. My classes and professors seem pretty great this quarter, and it doesn't seem like as much work/studying as previous courses (knock on wood). On Monday, I had an appointment with my care counselor, who I just now realized is not a licensed therapist, which makes SO MUCH SENSE. I can't go into detail, but she just doesn't implement the interventions and types of questions I'm learning about in my graduate program. Annyyyway, at the end of our chat, I had a feeling to share The Book of Mormon with her. I hesitated, but, knowing it was our last time together, I said, "If you're interested in learning more about why I am so spiritual, you should read The Book of Mormon." I told her how to find it online and she said, "Yeah, I'm definitely interested in checking that out." She had said in a previous session that she was interested in learning more about my spirituality. I really hope something comes out of it. I did sent a link to her on the messaging platform to the BoM and also to a site to request a copy delivered to you by missionaries.

Sean moved out. We found out that he dropped out of school without telling anyone and mom was sooo disappointed. They told him no more gaming allowed in the house. He lasted two or three days after that before he blew up and left home, saying all these rude things (I was at work during this and found out by text from Valerie). Apparently his parting line was something along the lines of "I'll have a better life without you peasants!" So that was a bit heartbreaking, but we are coming to recognize that it is for the best. He wasn't progressing here and he needs to go out and find his own path. He changed his phone number and we haven't heard directly from him since he left, but he was in contact with Aaron, so we got to hear that he as okay second hand. Then today Symantha called and said Sean had contacted her and asked if he could stay there, and she said, "Yes, but not long-term." So she's going to give him a place to stay and help him work out a plan for his future. One of the perks of Sean moving out is that I now get my own room... Lucy kicked me out. I went to work one morning and when I came home, Sean's room had been cleaned out and half my stuff was moved in! It was so bittersweet. I've been struggling this past year with feeling like I have no place of my own, no place to go to for quiet and peace, no place to put all my stuff. I've just had to put it around the house in random places. Well, now I have a place of my own and can fit all my stuff there and have a quiet place to go to do school work. I was really sad and cried the first night I slept in my "new room" because it was a reminder that Sean was really gone and that he didn't even say goodbye to me. But I've worked hard this week to really turn it into "my" room, down to the decorations and scents. I have a ways to go, but it is starting to grow on me and I love having my own space. All of this happened on Wednesday before 3:30pm. The best part is I got my own bookshelf, and I went to DI and bought 27 books to add to my collection. 

On Wednesday after work, I drove straight to the gym to play racquetball with my family and Jasen, who also really loves to play. We had a fun time and I was very impressed with how quick Jasen was at getting the ball. He's such a gentleman and always builds the people up around him.

On Friday, Dad taught me how to change the oil in my car. I don't think I could do it alone because everything was screwed on so tight, there was no way I'd get it free without my dad helping. But it was cool to learn about the process and how easy it really is... if you're strong, haha! The sad part of my day was that my boss called and basically laid me off and said that now that things are slow, they don't need both me AND Denae (the woman I've been training to take my place), and so instead of leaving in December, I can make my last day on Monday. Two months earlier than I planned for!!! EEK! So my bank account is not going to be happy, and I'm trying to figure out if I should get a seasonal job or just try to babysit or what. But, on the bright side, I've enjoyed getting to know Denae. She's very sweet and a genuine person. I've been open talking about my religion and she texted me and asked what denomination I was because she's been looking to get back into going to church. I told her I was Christian, but specifically The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and that I'd love for her to come to church with me! So she did :D She came to sacrament meeting this morning, and she said it was different than what she was used to, but she enjoyed it and said, "I definitely could just feel the love and happiness in there today." People have been saying, "Wow, you're such an amazing missionary!" And I've pondered about that because I haven't been doing anything differently than I have for the past year. I'm living the same lifestyle, talking about my religion to coworkers, being inviting, etc. The only difference is that God placed someone in my path that was actually interested and has wanted to know more. With my other coworker who I've invited to church activities and given a Book of Mormon to and has had dinner at my house when the missionaries were over--nothing. He is just not interested. He likes the social aspect but shuts down with the religion stuff. So I'm just truly grateful for God giving me these moments of joy and happiness in seeing some fruits of living a righteous and missionary-minded lifestyle. It's such a joy that he trusted me with these people.

Another funny thing that happened this week was that Gracelyn's diaper leaked and left a poo-stain on Lucy. Poor girl!! Haha. It was right after I held her, so I barely missed the blast... *whew* Gracelyn makes funny faces with her eyebrows drawn together a lot. She sure brings a lot of joy to our family, and I love the soft and happy smile on my dad's face when he looks at her and interacts with her.

Look, mom and Gracelyn match with Mandalorian shirts!

Now I am going to backtrack to Saturday. I got ready for the masquerade ball. I went with Jasen. Originally, I'd asked him if he wanted to play pickleball with me and Elizabeth and Spencer, but then the plans changed because Elizabeth wanted a back-up plan in case it rained (which, good thing, because it rained HARD on Saturday!!!). So I told her about the ball and she thought that sounded more fun anyway. So it changed from a chill, relaxed date to a very formal date, which was a little nerve-wracking, but Jasen was super chill about it and made it so fun. He had some great dance moves and I got to teach him how to waltz and the basics of country swing dancing. It was a really memorable night. The best part was that Jasen really loved his mask, which Valerie had given me to bring for him, since she'd bought a two-pack of masks on Amazon. I also bought new shoes that turned out perfect and were so pretty (which of course you can't see in the picture, but I wasn't even wearing them anyways. I wore old flip flops and then changed into my sandals once we got to the dance because I didn't want them to get wet and muddy from all the rain). Valerie also went and she looked stunning! I just got a pic of her trying on everything to see how it went, not after she'd done her hair and makeup.

This was a pre-dance pic at Jasen's house:

Come, Follow Me study group on Sunday was great. We have a pretty big turn out now coming pretty consistently, and everyone seems open to sharing and I really enjoy it. Today, Spencer brought his nonmember roommate, which was so cool! He said he wanted to come because he'd been looking to join a bible study group, and he even spoke up and gave comments throughout the evening! It was so great. I love all of these missionary opportunities that are coming to me. I am so grateful for my relationship with God and the love He freely and unconditionally gives me.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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