Sunday, September 18, 2022

New Friends

 12 September - 18 September 2022

On Monday, I met with Crystal Bowman. It was fun talking with her and seeing their facility, and I'd love to help with creative content to get therapy info out there, but it's still up in the air if I'll be able to work with them. My internship won't be paid, but I'm hopeful that the Lord will bless me with opportunities to make money and pay my way through it all. I went to ministering night on Wednesday and found out some common connections with a girl in the ward named Cherish. Her sister married into the Tilley family that I babysit for occasionally! My boss said that we will have Fridays off for the rest of the year. They're looking for my replacement since I'm leaving them at the end of the year to do my internship.

I had a good weekend. Made some more toothpowder and a presentation on conflict to present to Symantha. Us girls went to Florence on Saturday to visit her and we had lunch and then went to her house where I gave the presentation. She seemed to really enjoy it. Then the two of us went to buy ice cream for everyone and we talked more about it. I feel like it was the first time we interacted in a way that was as equals, like she saw me as a mature adult for the first time. It was really cool. Then we played Unstable Unicorns and I roasted and toasted everyone on that game! Wahahaha!! I had 5 "Neigh" cards in my hand by the end of the game! I got to hold the baby a lot this weekend. After Val and I did inititories at the temple, we stopped by Breisa's place to say hi and got to hold the baby for a bit. Then Brei and Aaron came over Saturday morning and I got to hold the baby. Then they came over for dinner with us on Sunday night and brought the cutie. I got some adorable pics of Sean--Uncle Sean--holding her.

And, most excitedly, I had a good turn out for my Come, Follow Me study group! And I feel appreciated for my efforts by those who came, especially Nick and Jasen, who were so happy to have a group to come to. They're both new in the ward and searching for friends, and I think they were blown away by our invitation to have people into our home to study scriptures, play games, and eat treats! There were five guys and five girls, so a great, even turn out! God is so good.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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