Sunday, November 20, 2022

Chicago Residency

 14 November - 20 November 2022

Wow, I had to buckle down this week to get a LOT done since I was leaving for my residency in Chicago. Monday was the first full day that mom and dad and Val were back from Costa Rica. They were exhausted but absolutely loved the trip. Mom kept telling me how I HAD to go some day! It looked absolutely gorgeous from all the pictures they showed me. Aaron and Briesa and baby Gracelyn were over, and I had the absolute hardest time focusing on school work, so I texted my friend Jasen and asked if we could have a homework party at his house, which he agreed to. I did about 3 hours of homework over there, and it was soooo much more than I would have done if I'd been at home, especially because I was so frustrated with some of my assignments because I was having a difficult time understanding all the nuances of them. I am so grateful for how kind and encouraging Jasen was, building me up and urging me to keep working when I wanted to give up. For FHE that night, our ward made 72 hour kits and it was really fun. They had supplies laid out at all these tables, and we went around and packed them into our bags. It kinda felt like we were going shopping for free!

Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, me and mom went to the gym. I really missed gym time while she was gone. My body could definitely tell a difference of when I was exercising well and getting my heart rate up. My body was much less sore and my anxiety was much more manageable those days. On our way there Tuesday morning, mom commented about how the canal looked different and she stared at it and exclaimed, "Oh! They finally cleaned up all the nasty weeds! I wonder why now? They haven't bothered the whole time we've lived here." I was just looking at her from my position in the passenger seat and said, "Yeah, cuz I'm the one who did it." She was shocked! So surprised and touched that I'd do that for her to help beautify the neighborhood. 

Tuesday night, I went to practice a musical number I'm part of for the Christmas program with three other sisters in the ward. I am happy to help out and use my talents to invite the Spirit, but I'm not particularly excited about the musical number and just hope we all sound good together. But if not, who cares? I know I'll sound good at least ;). We also took work photos on Tuesday, so I dressed up super cute, and I'm excited to get those photos back, especially my headshot, which I can use for other bios I need professional pictures for. Wednesday after work, I went home, finished up some last things to prep for my trip, then went to bed just after 6pm until 10:45pm. That long nap just before my redeye flight saved my bacon!! I then traveled from 11pm that night well into the afternoon of the next day. I believe there was 12 or 13 hours of travel total, and I switched between three planes. It was such a long day!! 

When I got to Chicago and waited outside for the shuttle to take me from the airport to the hotel, I began FREEZING! It was around 20 degrees outside and the wind is so bitter! I now know what it is like when people say the frigid wind "stings" their cheeks. It burns! And your face feels like it'll just freeze off. It was good getting to the hotel and seeing my old friends from my track 1 residency in Orlando, Erika and Madison. We are all members of the same church and get along great. They are both mothers of young children and are super cute. I have really enjoyed sharing a room with them and discussing deep topics with them and feeling valued and heard and important. It's just kind of been like a girls' night sleepover every night :). We stayed inside the first two nights, but we decided to go out Saturday night to the nearby mall. We took a shuttle, and just walking to the shuttle was torturous! I thought I was fine, then we turned a corner and were assaulted by this strong, frigid wind! I'm not very impressed with the big city views. It's not really pretty. It seems overcast most of the time, SUPER cold, and dry. I woke up and had a bloody nose after a couple of nights.

Class has been super helpful. I'm learning so much. We are all taking turns as a therapist and working with a couple or family through the lens of a model, and it is very much a realistic experience. It is so interesting to see the differences in models, what works, how different everyone is, and how there are so many directions pulling you, especially the more people you add as clients! Families are CRAZY! I have a lot to learn and experience I really need to gain, but all in good time! My hour-long roleplay was recorded, and I have to re-watch it sometime this week and write a paper about it, which will be super interesting. I've packed lots of good snacks, and I made sure that they would have food I could eat for breakfast and lunch. I got in good with one of the servers, telling her my anxiety over meals and what I can eat, and she made an exception so I can get a special plate of food that accommodates my food allergies that I can get so I don't have to go through the buffet with limited options and potential for cross-contamination. 

Sunday has been a bit sad because it doesn't really feel like Sunday :(. I wore my nicest dress to honor the Sabbath and have taken time to connect with God today. I'm so glad all the roleplays are finally over. We had TWELVE students in the class, which means four 1-hour-long roleplays in three days. It was emotionally exhausting. And playing a client is so draining too. You have to draw on real emotion, even if the situation is fictional. I have gained so much confidence and wouldn't trade this experience, but I am super excited to be going home tomorrow evening! Chicago is not for me. Too cold!! Yuck! But it's been a valuable experience, and I've been part of some pretty crazy but enlightening role plays.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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