Sunday, November 13, 2022

Single Mom of a Teenager

 7 November - 13 November 2022

I feel like the title of my blog post pretty much sums up my week... kidding! It was such a joy to have the past week and a half alone with Lucy. Lots of bonding as we worked together to keep the house clean, fill our time, tell each other about our days, do things together, and have family prayer day and night. Grandpa fed us both Sundays for dinner, and he would pop on over at least once a day, dropping off the mail and probably checking to make sure we were still alive... haha. There were some more stressful days where I had a LOT to do and felt like I was cleaning up for Lucy on top of it and not able to keep the house as clean as I would have liked, but those moments were few. I usually felt very productive and accomplished as I managed the home along with work and school. 

Some highlights of my week!! Regina Grossarth dropped me off a gift card to In-n-Out Burger because I had helped her with the badminton party. For $25!! That fed me dinner on Wednesday night and then both me and Lucy on Saturday night! I have learned that I am really bad at cooking just for myself, so I averaged 1.5 meals per day this past week... yikes, I know. So that was truly a blessing. I also felt prompted to ask for a priesthood blessing, so I asked if Jasen and his dad could come over. They gave me a blessing Tuesday night after dodgeball, and it was SO needed. What's really cool is that as soon as I even just asked for a blessing, I felt immediate peace, as if they blessing had already happened. I think that was God's way of reassuring me that asking for a blessing was the right thing to do. Then I cried a lot during the blessing. It was so good to hear from Heavenly Father. I gave Jasen and his dad a hug after wiping my eyes and nose with a tissue, and that was that! Also, via text over the next couple of days, we planned a homework party. I invited Jasen over Friday after work to do hw together so we could keep each other accountable. I wasn't sure how it would go, but it was actually very helpful! I got more done than if I had been by myself. Also, he asked if I'd eaten yet and brought food over on his way for us to eat from Costa Vida. Seriously, what a blessing! I'd been so hungry but didn't know what to eat and didn't want to make anything, so I'd decided just to go hungry... and then he offers to pick up lunch! So we ate food, did homework, talked some, then he left. Super chill.

Hmm... let's see what else I did... oh, Friday night was "girl's night" at Amber's house. My coworker Denae came, which was awesome! The first hour was a bit awkward with pauses and stilted conversation, but then I pulled out my game Moods and we all became fast friends, laughing and joking and having a good time. It turned out pretty great after all.

Saturday was my mom's stake women's conference, and I attended with Lucy. Briesa was also there with the baby. I've gotten lots of baby snuggles this week, and I'm really enjoying holding Gracelyn. She has started to snuggle into me. LOVE HER SO MUCH! Anywho, this woman's conference was amazing. We showed up late, but we caught the tail end of one class and then got to attend another class, and I heard and felt amazing things. There was so much spirit and power and insight to be learned from the speakers. Then we had lunch, and they had an entire allergy-friendly table set up! I ate SO much! The salad was super yummy and the soups were good and they had bread and peppermint brownies! And Joy D. Jones was there (she'd spoken at the very beginning, which we missed, but she sat at Briesa's table and help Gracelyn, which I got a picture of. Then, later, when they started cleaning everything up and I was holding the baby, Joy came up to us to say goodbye and gave me and baby a hug). 

Sunday was really good. I made gluten-free corn muffins for our linger longer, and I also taught Relief Society second hour. I did the best I could but didn't feel AMAZING about it, but I got such great feedback. God is good. One sister was visiting and came up to me after and said, "this was the best Relief Society lesson I've been to in a long while." She asked if she could take a picture of my lesson plan to use some of the things we'd talked about for her own ward's Relief Society lesson. CFM went well. I was able to talk to Whitney for a brief moment before I had to hang up because people had started arriving. Jasen came early to help, then Spencer, Blake, Justin, and Derek came soon after! We had it outside, and I had the chairs around the fire pit. There was a nacho and hot chocolate bar. I loved that everyone was super chatty and getting along, but it was harder to focus and discuss the lesson, but I still think it was a success. Then three people stayed late after everyone else left and chatted for an hour/hour and a half in my kitchen while I listened in and cleaned up. Finally I had to kick them out so I could shower and get ready for bed (and to write this blog post while I wait for it to be time to go pick my parents up from the airport). Moral of my week: I've heard God a lot this week and had some pretty great insights and revelation. Also, I love the gospel and church, and I'm SO grateful for my friend group. 

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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