Monday, February 1, 2021

Best Birthday Weekend Ever!

 25 January - 31 January 2021

Well, the snowman I made last week didn't last very long... oh well. I spent a lot of time on homework this week to get ahead so that I could enjoy the weekend with my sister visiting, so there isn't much to report on. I did go shopping and spent WAYY more money than I'm used to, but I also did buy myself three presents... hehe. I've been really looking forward to this weekend! Before I get into what happened this weekend, let me see if I can remember anything of importance from the week that I should mention... oh yeah, I got a call and am getting an interview with USU! Only 19 people are coming in for interviews, and I'm one of them! I was filled with so much excitement when I found out!

Friday: It was so hard to focus on school work that morning, so I didn't get all that much done. Then Whitney picked me up to take me to Abergine, a yummy and healthy food place. I got a smoothie bowl, and while it was rather expensive, it was SO delicious! Whitney and I chatted and had a good time together. I felt very special and loved. Well, when I got home, I decided I better go on campus if I was going to get any work done, so I packed up all my work and headed down to the Harman building. I spent four hours there, cranking out as much stuff as I could until I was too hungry to work anymore. That evening, I had three girls come over for a game night. It was so fun! I didn't know them, but I just texted them out of the blue so I could get to know more people in my ward, and I had such a fun time!

Saturday: So, I may have stayed up super late last night, which meant I slept in. Then I had to rush to clean up my room and get ready to go pick Valerie up form the airport. I grabbed something to eat on the way and rushed off. It was so crazy seeing my sister. She looked so beautiful and mature, and my heart was so full. I had a smile on my face literally all day. I couldn't help it. We got settled back home and we made chocolate chip pumpkin waffles for a late breakfast, and then we walked around campus. I showed Valerie the new buildings on campus, and then we walked by J-Dawgs on our way home. Valerie was craving the taste of the special sauce, but she was going to go out to lunch with some old friends, so she insisted on buying me lunch (as long as I gave her a bite, of course) ;). Then Brooker's ice cream was just across the street, so we went there next, and I got this delicious salty dark chocolate coconut milk ice cream. We ate as we walked back to the apartment, and I was pretty sure I was going to experience death by chocolate! Valerie left to lunch with her friends, and I ate my J-Dawg til I was gonna burst! I made a delicious brownie cake with chocolate frosting, but filled with raspberry frosting on the inside. Then I took Valerie out to dinner at Bombay House. We didn't realize it was take-out only, so we ordered our food and then walked to Center Street while we were waiting. We went home with the food and it was pretty good, and VERY filling. We saved half of it for a meal the next day. That evening, we got everything ready for the game night. Lots of people came, and they all really enjoyed playing the games! Braeden got me a gift of modeling clay, and when we were cutting the cake, he had everyone share their favorite memory of me. It was so tender to hear everyone share the impact I'd had in their life. Everyone LOVED the cake! I really impressed them :) Kathrine and Mira stayed late and we played a couple rounds of Skull King. I am so grateful for all my loving friends. We pulled the couch cushions into my room and Valerie slept on them (she said they were much more comfortable than she was expecting, so that's good).

Sunday: We had left over Bombay House for breakfast. Aaron called to wish me a happy birthday, and I got lots of messages from loved ones. Church was good! The Osborns were so happy to see Valerie, and Valerie was so happy to see a lot of old friends! Plus I am convinced we saw Garret from Studio C (but we can't be 100% sure due to dumb masks). After church, my roommates jumped out of the kitchen and surprised me with "Happy Birthdays!" They had also decorated my mirrors with cute notes. I ate leftover cake for lunch, and then took a nap while Valerie went to see another old friend. When I woke up, I saw I had a message from my supervisor Shelly that said she left a gift for me on my front porch. There was the cutest balloon and she got me Emily-friendly ice-cream and crackers! She is so loving :) I dropped by part of a Come, Follow Me study group, which was great. I love sharing my thoughts about the scriptures. Then I made another cake, which was quite the adventure, and had over more friends to play games. And a lot of them brought me gifts! It was so sweet :). Everyone enjoyed the cake! It was a lemon/raspberry/strawberry cake. 

I love my Savior and Father in Heaven so much. This week, I have come to see how much more patient I have become. I am filled with so much more joy throughout the day. I laugh to myself all the time. School and work still overwhelm me at times, but I am SO much better at working through that and getting to a safe and calm place once more. I have been singing lots of primary songs this week about feeling my Savior's love and knowing that Heavenly Father loves me, because I feel the truth of that so strongly in my heart and soul.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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