Monday, February 22, 2021


 15 February - 21 February 2021

What I want to focus on this week are the blessings that happened each day. On Monday, we didn't have classes. I asked my roommate Mira to braid my hair, which she excitedly agreed to do. I was so grateful. 

Another miracle that happened this week was that I was thinking of texting Julia Nixon because I missed her kiddos and wanted to come over sometime. Well, the same weekend I planned to text her, she messaged me and asked if I'd want to babysit for her one evening and that her boys missed me. That made me feel so loved and happy.

I was able to help a friend out. Tuesday night, I drove in the snow to go to a dental place where they train dental assistants, and let her take my teeth xrays and stuff. It was actually kind of painful, especially when she put the stuff in the wrong place in my mouth and it poked at sensitive parts of my gum. But she was so grateful and I was glad to help out. And I found out I have a cavity, so... yeah, I guess that's good to know.

On Wednesday, I took the time to rearrange my room, and I love it so much more now! It feels more roomy and open. I might actually use my desk space now! Ironically enough, as I was cleaning stuff out of my desk and getting organized, I found a pin that I got on campus from two years ago... and I did not find it amusing, especially after hearing back formally from USU's MFT program that I was not accepted. But the irony still gets me, so I thought I'd share. I was also able to chat with my roommate Mira and see how she was doing because she recently broke up with her boyfriend. We were able to talk about personal things, including religion and spiritual things. And it was nice because it all started off by me asking if she would play with my hair, which always feels great.

"What do you mean I didn't get into grad school? Avada Kadavra!"

I don't know if it it's because of quarantine and everyone decided to "quarantine clean" and get rid of a bunch of stuff, but DI actually has some good clothes and items! I went shopping there again this weekend and found a long sleeve green shirt that I really like. I love the other stuff I got when I went with Mira earlier in the week.

I got to see Becca and Whitney this week. I met with the BYU dietician and am going to start a new diet (the low FODMAP diet) to see if that will help my digestive system. I gave away some of my perishables and foods I couldn't eat to Becca and Whitney.

Friday was tough because I decided to donate plasma since I had covid and could get $100 every time I donate. But I was there for FOUR hours, waiting around to get all checked in and ready. I did it, even though it sucked because by the time I was actually donating, I was hungry from being there so long, and then they messed up on my left arm, so they had to do my right arm. Both got pricked :( and the left arm got a small bruise. But I felt fine afterwards. I'm still not sure if the $100 was worth it tho...

I had a fun time Saturday night. I went on an ice-skating date with Jacob. I got tired after an hour, and then started feeling a bit faint, so I think I still needed to take it easy after yesterday, but everything worked out fine. I was a bit tired and out of it at the end of the date, so when he walked me to my door, I went inside, chucked my stuff on the couch, then turned around and he was waiting there for a hug goodbye, but since I was on the step up, I was taller, so I just said, "Oh yeah, I should probably hug you but I'm just going to have to be taller than you" (something along those lines but that sounded more eloquent) and he said, "It's okay, it doesn't happen very often." I thought that was a clever response. 

Sunday was my favorite day this week. It didn't start out that way. In fact, I was feeling awful for most of the day, then super unmotivated and overwhelmed and depressed. Then my mom reminded me to get a blessing, so that evening, I asked a guy in the ward to give me a blessing. Right when they arrived, my roommate had friends arrive, so we talked in the living room and then played a game while waiting for the other people to leave. We played Skull King (and let's just say I destroyed everyone at that game... with 290 points and second place was -10 points, haha.) Then I was able to get the blessing, and it was exactly what I needed. I felt so comforted and heard and understood. All my insecurities were addressed--about not having friends or being able to make lasting friendships, feeling like I don't fit in. I will make lasting friendships and will fit in and belong. I will make choices that will bring me happiness, and God has blessed me with the capacity to make these choices. I need to choose to have hope. I'm so grateful for those two men in the ward who came over and ministered to me and changed my outlook.

I painted this frame before church

Also, I started watching The Good Doctor on Hulu, and I'm surprised I am actually enjoying it considering that it involves blood and organs and surgeries and stuff, but I can actually just tell that it's fake and can appreciate the complexity of the human body without getting grossed out (for the most part. There may occasionally still be something that makes me cringe on the inside).

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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