Monday, February 8, 2021

Never Fail Again

1 February - 7 February 2020

Monday: Today marked the last day of Valerie staying with me! We went on a short walk in the morning, but it was rather cold. We played a round of HP Code Names until it was time to leave to meet Shelly (one of my BYU Online supervisors) for lunch at a yummy Mexican restaurant. We had a good time talking and eating (until our stomachs were going to burst). Right after, I drove Valerie to the airport and dropped her off. I headed home and took a short nap. It was a super fun but really exhausting weekend. Then I had to work and hold a weekly exam review. That evening, I already felt the tendrils of loneliness seeping back into my life because it was so awesome to have my sister around.

Tuesday: Well, I had a lot of neglected homework to catch up on since I put it on hold over the weekend. I had a couple of papers to write and exams to study for. All the fun stuff! I finally started to get back into my routine of homework and responsibility, as fun as it is, haha.

Wednesday: After a long day of homework and studying, I prepped for our Family History Game Night by making a jeopardy trivia game. Everyone seemed to enjoyed!

Thursday: I got ready and went down to the Harmen building as early as I could. I finished studying for my Physical Science exam and took it. It wasn't too bad (I passed with a 90%). I spent a good chunk of my day there before heading home. That evening, I was picked up by Alan to go on a group date to the canyon to have a bonfire. It was good... but FREEZING up there. It was super icy everywhere, and it even looked like an outdoor skating rink in one place. The fire took a hot minute (or should I say, cold minute) to get started, but that helped us stay warm. Alan was very thoughtful and searched out gluten free graham crackers and dark chocolate so I could make smores too!

Friday: I met Hallie Gerlach in the Cougar Eat for lunch. She bought my lunch and got me a present! It was good to catch up with her and see how she was doing. Then I headed off to work at the Harmen building. Shelly was there, and she asked if I'd seen the storage closet. I hadn't, so she took me back there and showed me all the stuff that has been there for over a year that was fair game to have. I got so much free stuff! And some really cool, quality stuff! Like a mini speaker, a portable charger, and a bag. That evening, Julia in my ward invited me over to work on Family History and then I stayed and talked with them. They are a fun bunch to hang out with. Too bad I was exhausted and kept yawning, so I didn't stay for long. 

Sat: As you can probably guess by now, the majority of my day is filled with homework. In the afternoon, however, I stopped by Megan-Jean and Joseph's apartment to visit. MJ is six months pregnant with twins! It was fun to catch up and see their excitement for their babies and how loving they are to each other. In the evening, I had SO much homework to do that I'd pushed aside, so I finally finished around 10pm. Then I was bummed because I didn't get to do anything fun, so I decided to watch a movie, but then the movie didn't finish until one in the morning! Yikes... so then I was tired the next day and not at my best.

Sunday: I walked to church with my roommates, then stayed after to talk to a bunch of different people. Something funny that happened was that a guy in my ward complimented my dress as he was walking by. I quickly looked to see his tie to compliment him back, but he had already passed and I couldn't see his tie, but I just complimented it anyways. He paused, looked down at his tie, then mumbled something (maybe thanks?) and kept walking. It was funny because then I told a girl nearby me and she said he responded with "I don't have a tie" and I felt embarrassed until I realized she was just messing with me. After I got home, I rode my uni to my friend Kathy's apartment to drop off the candy bar she forgot. I went to Sunday School on Zoom and then took a little nap before heading over to Shelly's house to meet her family. They had the super bowl on and tons of snacks and treats. Shelly made sure to get things I could eat, and we even made biscuits that were yummy! I showed them my uni, and we walked with the dog down to the creek. It was fun to visit and feel like part of their family. Then they even fed me dinner and sent me home with heaps of leftovers!! It was delicious! After getting home, I rushed off to Whitney's house for Come, Follow Me. We played games afterwards, one of which is called "numbers" where everyone has a number, then the person in the middle has their eyes closed and calls out 2 or more numbers, and those people have to switch spots without getting caught or tagged.

One insight I gained on Sunday from someone who bore their testimony was about how people today are so afraid of failing. But she pointed out that the scriptures say that "Charity never faileth." So we need to look at different aspects in our lives where we are afraid of failing and then add some charity into the mix. Most often, that comes in the form of having charity for ourselves.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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