Sunday, February 28, 2021

Can you feel the love?

 22 February - 28 February 2021

Monday: I woke up early to get some homework finished up before class. I talked to a representative from a graduate program and discovered I am very uninterested in their program. I also found some healthy meals I can eat. I cut beans and apples and avocadoes and garlic out of my diet out of my diet and hope my tummy will feel better soon! Mira and I attended our ward activity on Zoom. It was a speed-dating type thing where we jumped from break-out room to break-out room and talked. 

Tuesday: So Mira broke up with her boyfriend and downloaded Mutual again, and guess what? Yeah, I did too... hehe. So now I have a date for next week, which I'm actually pretty excited about. I also took a walk in the cold, and decided to go down to the temple. I miss the peace I felt inside of there.

Wednesday: I felt very productive this morning, getting lots of school work done. I'm actually using my desk now that it's in a better position and more accessible. 

Thursday: In the morning, I went with Whitney to Trader Joe's, Burlington Coat Factory, and then DI. I got a new dress (I traded the one I got last time that didn't fit for one with pockets that is also really cute). Whitney bought a lot of things and I helped her find some cute outfits! That afternoon, I took my physical science midterm and got 100%!!

Friday: I attended class and then worked at the Harman building. Then Mira's grandparents took us both out to dinner at Aubergines. I got a meal, but I think I'm a bigger fan of their smoothie bowls and not the actual meals. Mira's grandparents were very sweet, and when they found out that I was single, they wanted to set me up with their grandson. Haha, apparently they texted the boys mom later and told them that I was very interested in their son. LOL... yeah I wasn't, but oh well. What can I say? Old people are cute! And quirky. Then we went home and watched Interstellar. It was so long, and honestly a bit boring. I wasn't a fan. But Mira was crying at some parts of it, so at least one of us liked it!

Saturday: I took a midterm on campus in the morning, then worked on homework for the rest of the afternoon. That evening, I got to babysit for the Nixon family. I hadn't seen them in a while, and they moved a couple of minutes further from their house into this even bigger and more gorgeous house/mansion. I drove Drew to Mapleton for a sleep over, then came back. I drove in one of their cars, which was so huge! I felt like I was in a semi-truck! Cole had just bought a 3D printer, so he was making lots of stuff. I gave them the idea to print the temple where their parents got married, since it was their mom's birthday the next day. I watched part of a movie with Cole and we had a fun time quoting the movie. I braided Kate's hair and helped her make a cake. Apparently, they had a really fun time, because the mom paid me a lot the next day. I really love those kiddos tho. I've also learned how to deal with and love their quirky differences. At one point, Cole told me not to break something or he would kill me. I lightly responded with, "Don't kill me, just send me to jail instead." I think the dad was happy I helped prep for their mom's birthday the next morning.

Sunday: I slept in super late, since I got home rather late (but I got $70 bucks out of it, so WORTH IT!!). I quickly got ready to go to church. We were running a couple of minutes late, so I decided that we should to go Relief Society first (since our ward is split in two, half the ward goes to sacrament, the other to second hour, then we switch). It was good that we did. A friend was teaching the lesson, and Mira and I both took the opportunity to speak up and share an insight. After church, I met with a cute girl in the ward to talk about family history ideas. Then Mira and I cut out a bunch of hearts to decorate an apartment's door in the ward, which was a service challenge we were given on Friday. It was so fun and turned out really cute. It was funny because as we were putting the hearts on the door, a guy who lived there that neither one of us had ever seen before opened the door (I guess he must have heard us) and looked blankly at us and the hearts on his door, then shut and locked his door again. Haha, so that was fun!

I know that whatever God has in store for my future, it's going to be great and I'm going to have many opportunities to love and uplift those around me. I still have no idea where I'm going to go to graduate school, but I have faith that everything will work out in God's timing.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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