Monday, May 31, 2021

Bonfire and Birthday Celebration

 24 May - 30 May 2021

Monday: I went to a water aerobics class, which was so full!! Mostly of elderly people:) That afternoon,, I had my job interview with SLP Toolkit, the job Valerie has. They pay really well and are super nice. I was asked 13 questions, and I hope I did well. I answered to the best of my ability and even had a missionary opportunity when they asked me about what motivates me. I spoke of Jesus Christ and His compassion. I felt the Spirit as I spoke. I even dressed up very professionally from head to toe (though they could only see me from the waist up). 

Tuesday: I went to a Zumba class, and while I am not a great dancer, it is a wonderful way to work out! I then attended singing lessons with Christina, who offered them to me for free this summer. In the evening, I attended institute, and it was pretty packed! We had walking tacos after for our treat, which I was pretty happy about.

Wednesday: I went again to the water aerobics class in the morning. Then in the afternoon, I picked up Vivian to go shopping for a new swim suit. They didn't have anything at Walmart, so we were going to drive to Ross, but I took a wrong turn onto the freeway and got very frustrated, so we just went back to Vivian's apartment and chilled there, watching part of a movie. 

Thursday: I went to yoga in the morning.. Then I dressed up nice and went to the Harman building on campus. I didn't have anything to do, really, but I just wanted to get out of the house. I looked up grad school stuff and did things on my computer for a couple of hours. Then I drove down to the Provo Temple and played the violin outside for a bit. That afternoon, I went over to Vivian's apartment so we could finish the movie, and it had the lamest ending ever!!! I took a nap on her couch.

Friday: I went ice-skating for a bit as exercise, then picked Whitney up to take her out to lunch for her birthday treat. We went to Silver Dish and had an enjoyable time talking. That evening, some friends in my ward invited me to a yoga class, so I went with them. Afterwards, we went to a bonfire. On the drive there, Whitney called and asked if I could bring more firewood. I turned around to go to smiths to get some, and as I was going to self-checkout, I didnt realize that a lady spilled a gallon of milk all over the floor and I slipped in it and got it all over my feet, shoes, and hems of my pants. I was a bit frustrated, especially when the lady mopping it up just kept splashing more on me. I cleaned up in the bathroom and then we went on our way. We roasted huge marshmallows and had a relaxing time. 

Saturday: I went to a Zumba Step class, which I think is my favorite, and got a good workout! I donated plasma and then went with a guy in our friend group to go pick out a bday card for Whitney. When I got back, I went ice-skating with Mira. That evening, I made snickerdoodles for dinner... lol... college life. Then I went over to Whitney's house for her birthday party. Only she didn't know that it wasn't actually going to be at the house. We first played "Pin the tail on the donkey," and when it was Whitney's turn, we opened the door where the donkey was hanging and kidnapped her out of the house. We all then drove to the canyon, where others had set up the food, speaker, and disco lights. We ate food and then danced. It was really fun! I enjoyed playing the dance version of the game "Signs," where your sign is a two-beat dance move and you can't miss the beat of the song or you're out. Whitney was very touched and so happy. It was very heartwarming 💕 

Sunday: Hooray!! Church is going back to normal! We didn't have to wear masks today!!!!!!!!(insert a billion more exclamation points)! After church, I said I would do the dishes, but Mira told me to go take a nap and she would do them. 😍 Best roommie ever!!! Then I attended ward choir, which was good. After, two girls wanted to hear me sing high notes (I'm not quite sure why but I guess they thought I was impressive), so I sang some high notes up to the high b. We had a good time chatting. I invited everyone in the friend group over to my house in the evening for Come, Follow Me. It was a bit crowded, but good. I went to ward prayer, then we played games at another apartment in the evening. Vivian came and brought me a gluten-free Bundt cake!

Much love,

Emily Burnham

Monday, May 24, 2021

Stewart Falls and Batman

 17 May - 23 May 2021

Monday: My friend Megan-Jean had her twins today, and I'll get to hold them in a couple of weeks! This morning I went to a kickboxing class at the rec center, and let's just say it kicked my butt. Or at least it felt like my butt had been kicked for the next couple of days due to how sore I was. I invited Vivian to come to family home evening, and I'm not sure she enjoyed it because she was mostly just on her phone the whole time. It was a bit lame--we just made memes and voted on the funniest ones--but oh well. It's better than sitting home alone. 

Tuesday: I attended a deep water workout class. While I haven't been much of a swimming fan, working out in the water is really fun! Afterwards, I drove to Highland to volunteer at Courage Reins. I spent 40 minutes scooping up horse poop. It wasn't actually as bad as it sounded. 

Wednesday: I went to get a professional massage because my shoulders are as tense as... um... insert really good simile here. It felt good and I felt peaceful after, but I'm not sure it had quite as big of an impact as I was hoping. I went to a barre class, which resulted in super sore inner thighs and made me feel like a ballerina. That evening, my roommate Mira and friends convinced me to go with them to hike Stewart Falls. I'd just been planning to stay home and have a lazy night. Well I went, and the main thing I can say is that you should not hike on an empty stomach--or an almost empty stomach that is partly full of sugary popcorn--because you may feel like throwing up at times. The hike itself was something I endured, even when I wasn't feeling good, which I'm proud of. It was cold. Afterwards, I convinced everyone to go out for tacos, which was the best part of it all!

Thursday: I attended a Zumba class with a bunch of the elderly. I don't know what the miscommunication is, but somehow I sometimes sign up for classes made for the elderly (but they didn't say so in advance). I also donated plasma in the afternoon. That evening, I went out to dinner with Vivian to a Thai food place (and learned that Spicy Thai is not as good as Silver Dish) and then we went back to her apartment. We had planned to do a movie night, and after the TV guy installed her TV, we invited over some friends and watched my favorite movie, Courageous. We stayed late until I was almost falling asleep.

Friday: I went ice skating and it was AWESOME because for the first 15 minutes, I was the only one on the ice! And then three birds got in through the bay doors and were flying above us, chittering. It was really cute (but not the part where there was a ton of bird poop on the ice... yuck). I invited Vivian to come to a game night where we played Pirate's Dice, and though we started with 10 people, I actually won the game!

Saturday: I went to a 7am cycling class that ALSO kicked my butt. Vivian went with me. Then we went to my ward breakfast activity, and they actually made gluten-free pancakes for me! I was so touched. It was a delicious spread and I ate SOOO much. Yum yum. We also played 9-square. Then I went ice skating that afternoon with Vivian. That evening, I had a virtual game night with Katherine and her friends, then I went to a karaoke night with friends. I've been watching The Flash tv show, so I watched an episode before bed.

Sunday: I went to a friend's house before church to eat breakfast. There were a lot of people, and my friend Christina (who is also gluten-free) made waffles for us. Then I went to church and got to listen to the two elder missionaries speak during sacrament meeting. The way they spoke with power and authority made me miss being a missionary a bit. Then I went to ward choir in the afternoon and had a blast. The girl who usually sings the super soprano wasn't there, so I tried to see if I could hit those high f's and g's, and I just belted out this really high note and everyone was amazed! It was so funny, but I also felt a bit self-conscious. I made the most delicious tacos for a late lunch and then took a fat nap. That evening, I went to Whitney's house for Come, Follow Me. I went to ward prayer and it started raining a bit, then I went back to Whitney's to play games and eat peanut butter balls. At the end of the night, there was a knock on the door, and it was Batman! He asked if he could take out our trash. It was a great night! I felt the Spirit this week and know that Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father live.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

Monday, May 17, 2021

Eternal Friend

10 May - 16 May 2021

On Monday, I attended the cycling class. Wow, it's always intense and gets me sweating. I love my rec center pass because I get some good exercise in. The instructors are great! I also asked one of the guys in my friend group on a date. For FHE that evening, we went ice skating! (My suggestion, of course) ;)

The next evening, we went on a double date to hear an orchestra performance. We got food afterwards. It was actually very chill and I wasn't nervous. I discovered that dating is so much better when you are actually friends first with the person because you already know each other and are comfortable around each other, so there isn't a lot of pressure or worrying.

On Wednesday, I went to another cycling class, but little did I know just how dead my legs were from Monday's class. Wow, it was tough. That afternoon, I drove to Highland to attend a volunteer orientation at Courage Reins. It is a nonprofit horse therapy organization. I am excited to start volunteering. In the evening, I attended our Relief Society activity. We did yoga. It was supposed to be in the loft, but when I went up there, there was an elderly couple who had tables set up. They had gluten-free Oreos and gave me some! The activity turned out to be outside, but I was glad for my little detour ;). Yoga was good, but it was interesting how many people commented as they walked or drove by (particularly the guys...). 

Thursday, I went to a deep-water workout class, which I enjoyed a lot. I may not be a great swimmer, but I really enjoy working out in water! That evening, I went to a carnival with my friends. I didn't feel up to going on the rides, but I got dizzy just watching them ride, so that was good enough for me! Quinn was very sweet and bought me a snow cone afterwards. We took a walk to the park afterwards and played on the play ground.

Yoga is really good for my body, which I did on Friday. This week I had a new roommate move in, Claire's older sister Grace. I also made fries in the afternoon. On Saturday, I went to a Zumba step class in the morning, and that really got my sweating! A girl from my ward happened to be attending the class as well, so it was fun to do it next to her. That afternoon, my friends threw me a party at the park for graduating from college. Since I got my bachelor's degree, it was a "bachelor party." We had food and played games. The best part was that one of the guys showed up with rubbing alcohol and a wire stripper and held them up while sayings, "Cuz every bachelor party needs alcohol and a stripper." We got a kick out of that. Quinn also decided I needed to have a bachelor/love interest, so she presented me with my bachelor, Edward Smithingham. Yeah, I don't know, but I just went along with it because it made her happy. In the evening, I attended Gabe's improv show at Rock Canyon with my other friends. I invited Vivian along (my fifth cousin that I met a couple months ago) since she recently moved here. She is so great! After the show, we went back to one of the guy's apartments and talked and hung out. James gave me a massage and did my hair, which felt super nice. Then Vivian drove me home and we talked in her car until almost 1am!

On Sunday, I invited Vivian to come to church with me because she didn't know when or where her new ward was at. After church, I went to ward choir, and I got to sub for Ashley as the chorister. I actually really enjoyed it! It was so much fun and the group sounded AMAZING towards the end. I took a super fat nap in the afternoon, and then went to Come, Follow Me. It was good, and then I left to attend ward prayer, which was FINALLY in person at the church! Afterwards, I went home and was feeling kind of sad. All my roommates were gone and I was alone. I'd asked Vivian how dinner went (cuz she had some friends over) and she said it was good and that she had leftovers if I wanted to come over. So I did, and it was such a blessing because I hadn't really eaten a proper meal for dinner, so I was able to have a real meal, plus a chocolatey dessert, and then talk with Vivian about why I was sad (boys are stupid sometimes, okay? Okay). And we just talked and talked and I left around midnight to go home. Seriously, I feel like I know Vivian from pre-earth life. She's 18, so 5 years younger than me, but she already feels like a super close friend and is so mature for her age. She's super cute.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Mother's Day Weekend

 3 May - 9 May 2021

Howdy my friends and familia!

Monday: I was asked to sing in a musical number this Sunday for Mother's Day, so I attended a practice at 9am. I also went to a water work out class at the rec center. I show up and there is 10 other old ladies. Apparently, it used to be a senior only class, but they recently opened it up to everyone. Welp, no one else got the memo! So I did some water aerobics with over three times my age. It was actually super fun! That afternoon, I went to a place in Orem to help sanitize toys. I volunteered to serve with the Kids on the Move organization.

Tuesday: I left early to get gas at Sam's Club (if you go in the afternoon or evening then the lines are ridiculously long!). I attended a yoga class and then went ice skating. I finished my work application for the place Valerie works at. In the evening, I got my blades sharpened. The man sharpening them said they were pretty dull and that I should notice a big difference. That evening, I made some peanut butter balls.

Wednesday: I dropped off some of the peanut butter balls to Brittany, a friend in the ward, as a late birthday treat. She really loved them! I attended an Aqua Zumba class at the rec center. It was good, but not as fun as other water work out I did. I went ice skating right after so I could see if I felt a difference with my blades being sharpened. I did feel like I could do turns better, without my blade slipping. That evening, I went with Megan-Jean to the airport. We had been wanting to hang out, and she needed to go to Salt Lake to pick up her mom and didn't want to go alone, so I went along for the ride. She is due any day now to have her twins, which fortunately didn't happen on the drive!

Thursday: I had signed up to go to Yoga, but I did a work out at Whitney's house at 7am and then we ended up chatting afterwards and I missed going. That afternoon, I donated plasma. The rest of the day was chill.

Friday: I went to yoga at the rec center, then when I came home, I didn't want to sit around in my apartment, so I went to Kiwani's Park and texted my friend group to come if they could. I ended up being there for a total of four hours (my friends trickled in throughout that time). I rode around on my electric unicycle and totally biffed it going down a hill because I didn't realize it was muddy and my uni slipped right out from under me. Fortunately my friends weren't there yet to witness it. We had a fun time passing a football around and playing truth or dare. I got sun burnt! Not too bad though. That evening, I babysat for the Nixons. The kids were playing in a giant dumpster when I arrived, and then wanted to make dirt bombs outside. It was quite the adventure.

Saturday: I went to a cycling class at the rec center and got such a good work out. I sweated SO much and was out of breath for a while afterwards. Wow, I want to keep going back. I'm going to get in so much shape by the end of summer! I also looked into graduate programs and talked with a school representative for an hour about one option.

Sunday: I practiced the song with Lexy and Kaden at the church in the morning. Then I invited Kaden over since he didn't want to drive all the way home to eat breakfast before coming back for ward council. I gave him an apple to eat. We sang at church and did well! We got some compliments. I was actually pretty nervous and was shaking slightly, but no one seemed to notice. They gave us girls treats for mother's day after relief society. None of my roommates came to church with me, so I guess I get to eat all the treats by myself! ;) I went to ward choir, and we had chips and salsa afterwards. I took a fat nap, then in the evening went over to Whitney's apartment for Come, Follow Me. I showed up early and sang with Whitney while we waited. I also went to their ward prayer (which was in person) and met some people. We all went back to Whitney's apartment to make food and talk. I also video chatted with Valerie and talked to my mom today. She got the letter I sent her and said it was the highlight of her day when she read it yesterday. 

I love Jesus Christ. I could not do what He did. I cannot be perfect for myself, let alone for anyone else. The weight He bore is unimaginable, and I'm so grateful He was capable to carry out what I am not capable of. With His help, I can become like God. Slowly, but surely.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

Monday, May 3, 2021

Rest and Restore

 26 April - 2 May 2021

Last Sunday I went on a walk with my friend Alyssa and forgot to post the picture of us together. Since I didn't take any pictures this week, I thought I'd just add it in right here:

This past week was good. My theme for the week was "Do nothing until you get tired of doing nothing." Well, I'm still not tired of doing nothing, lol. I am exceedingly burnt out from school, so we'll see how long it takes to recover. But I'm grateful I have this time to recoup and recover. As for my week, I'll mention the highlights (since a lot of it was, as I said, spent doing nothing--aka watching Vampire Diaries).

On Monday, I attended a restorative yoga class. I bought a pass so I could go to the recreational center anytime I want this summer (plus I get free admission for ice skating). On Tuesday, I went to a more intense yoga class in the morning, and then had a date that evening. We had dinner and then went ice skating. I tried teaching him how to skate backwards. It was an okay time. I feel like I was a good date, but maybe we just didn't have a lot in common because the conversation felt forced frequently.

I submitted my application to Silver Dish, a Thai food place, but they still haven't called me, so I don't think they want to hire me. 

On Thursday we had cleaning checks, so I spent the majority of the day cleaning our apartment. I must admit, I love a clean apartment. 

I went ice skating on Friday by myself, and after skating around for a while, I was getting tired. I was thinking of leaving early when I saw my friend waving at me through the glass of the rink. She and another friend from our group arrived to skate! I was so excited and stuck around to skate with them, but then I twisted my ankle trying to land a poorly executed toe loop, so I went home soon after that and iced my ankle. It felt better by the evening. I was invited to participate in some night games in the LSB parking lot, and it was really fun (even though I totally wore the wrong shoes for it. It's hard to play zombie tag in flip flops). 

Sunday was actually a good day. I say that because when I woke up and remembered it was fast Sunday, I told myself that it was probably going to be an awful, torturous day, but that was okay. We need days to suck every once in a while so we can better appreciate the good days (literally, it has something to do with how much dopamine our brain releases when we do things we like, and how it's healthy to have a break from that so our tolerance for dopamine doesn't increase, causing things to give us less pleasure than before). That being said, it was a restorative and relaxing day, minus feeling sore from Friday's activities, having a headache from lack of water, and feeling hungry/nauseous). Church was really good. I spoke up a lot in Sunday School. I attended ward choir after and then stayed to practice singing with Lexy for Mother's Day next week. I baked the most delicious chicken I've ever made before in the oven for dinner with this weird side casserole that didn't turn out good. I attended the world wide devotional at a friend's house with a ton of people there. I also made blueberry muffins that evening, then went to Come, Follow Me at Whitney's place. I was SOOO exhausted, I felt like I could fall asleep on their couch. I left around 9:30pm and then got ready for bed and fell asleep.

Much love,

Emily Burnham