Sunday, October 10, 2021


 4 October - 10 October 2021

I finally made it out of the country! (And most importantly, back inside the country). We travelled just an hour outside the country, but who's counting? ;) My family took a trip to Rocky Point, Mexico. We left Monday morning and made it to Mexico in time for lunch at Pollo Lucas. They had some really yummy smoked chicken and rice and beans. We walked around the shops while waiting for the time we could check into our Air B&B. It was small, but pretty nice inside, with two bathrooms and a kitchen. The bedroom had two bunkbeds and was located right when you walked in the entrance, but the mattresses where the most uncomfortable ever! We went down to the beach for the afternoon, and I was SO tired. I took a nap on the beach while listening to Brides for Brothers, which I listened to on the drive up as well and love it! I got into the water for a bit. We met up with Aunt Lorie and had dinner with her and her husband and cousin Caleb. We had to wait an HOUR for the food to arrive, but it was very good. But maybe not worth the wait. Oh well. I slept pretty well because I was so tired. Once I fell asleep, I didn't wake til the morning. 

Tuesday, I slept in because I was still so so so tired. Then we got read and went to the beach for the rest of the day. We played in the waves, which were huge! The water was SO salty. Yuck. Then we went for a late lunch/early dinner, with Lorie's family again. They picked out the place, which was not that good, but fine. These places they pick out have flour in their chips, so I could never have the appetizers! Oh well. Then after we went to this other beach that was 20 minutes away that was supposed to have cool shells, but there wasn't anything good. We saw a couple of live crabs though, and dad faced off against one. It was funny. The crab kept turning to face dad wherever he walked. Then we went back to the beach by the resort and played in the sand before calling it a night.

Wednesday morning, we packed and got ready, then met Lorie's fam for breakfast at Candy Cakes, which had really yummy looking food. I got this dish of beans, rice, potatoes, and a type of meat/sausage on a crispy corn tortilla. Then we drove home, and Lucy and I made it back into the USA with our license and birth certificate.

I worked on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. I am trying to have a more positive attitude about work. To be kinder and humble. But as the time goes on, I keep thinking how much I really hate working at the ice rink. It is just a dark environment. Lots of cussing and debby-downers, a bar nearby, and everyone carrying around their coffee. It's just missing the light of Christ, and I can definitely tell the difference. But I just have to keep working there until another job comes along. Until then, I'm trying to be a light and a Christ-like example.

Thursday night, I went to institute. I love the Answers to Burning Questions class. Last week we talked about Women and the Priesthood. Today we talked about Heavenly Mother. It was good to reflect on how I've been thinking of my Heavenly Mother lately and Her influence in my life. She's been in my shoes and can understand in a unique way about my trials as a woman.

Right after work on Saturday, I went with my family to Sun Splash. We had a good time on the rides and were there for 2.5 hours. The best part (besides getting the tickets for free from Briesa) was that there were no lines! But wow, we got wiped out from all the climbing! I really like the "Double Dare" ride that dropped you straight down. You stand on a platform that collapses under you and you go down this tube slide. We went home and had homemade beans and rice.

Fast Sunday was good. I slept in so so so late. I couldn't get out of bed! I guess I was worn out from the whole week, from travelling, working, and then going to Sun Splash. I got ready for church in like 15 minutes! I got asked to say the closing prayer and took that as my opportunity to bear testimony instead of going up to the pulpit, since a lot of people like to go in our ward. I mentioned both women having priesthood power through keeping covenants and Heavenly Mother in my prayer. I'm grateful for the revelation God has been giving me lately. I fasted today for more energy to be diligent in studying my scriptures and increasing my spirituality. Also, as I worried about if I was where I needed to be in the gospel, my mission therapist's voice reminded me to "stop worrying about myself and focus on others." We ate the most delicious dinner. I think smoked burgers are my new favorite meal, even beating out smoked home-made pizzas.

Now is the time to prepare to meet God. That is and should always be my main focus. I want His light to always be around me.

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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