Sunday, October 3, 2021

Murder Mystery Escape Room

27 September - 3 October 2021

On Monday, I went to work at the ice rink. I had to finish painting a picture with a bat in it for Lucy's mutual activity, which was a murder mystery escape room type thing. The group's clue was "bat" and they would think it was a baseball bat in the gym, but really, behind the painting was their clue.

I finished Aaron and Briesa's wedding gift. Mom made the frame and I stained it. That evening, I attended my first learn to skate class. Oh, it was not my favorite. One of the other skaters there (who also happens to be my coworker) was annoying me, and I fell and banged up my knees, and me right foot hurts from skating. But I did learn some things to improve on.

Wednesday was the big day! I worked at the rink because I traded shifts with another girl, so I worked an extra hour. Then I went down to the church for the murder mystery. I was the one being murdered! I had to wear a shirt with red paint splotched on the back. My parents and sister Valerie came dressed as CSI agents. We hid in the stairwell leading up to the stage and waited for our ques. When the lights went out, I ran on the stage and laid down as if I were dead, and Lucy's friend screamed. Then the lights flickered on, and people were shocked to see a body on the stage. Then Valerie and my mom burst in and said "CSI, everybody freeze!" And they investigated the crime scene, then closed the curtains so I could hop up, change into a CSI shirt, and join them in crowd control. We walked around inside, taking notes on suspects and helping anyone who was stuck on a clue. It was a fun night, and all the hard work paid off!

On Thursday, I didn't have to work, but I went skating for exercise, and again, it wasn't all that fun and my foot just hurt after. I am so sad because I want to still love ice skating, but maybe working at that place has ruined it for me. I went to institute in the evening and we had a great discussion on women and the priesthood of God.

I worked Friday, then attended a girls night with girls from the ward. We did paraben hand waxing and facials. It was okay, but I didn't really connect with anyone there. I am still looking for a good friend. At least Valerie came with me. AZ sunsets are by far the prettiest I've ever seen.

Saturday was awful. When I showed up to work at 7am, there was a group of people standing outside. It turned out that the guy opening had slept in. I didn't know that, so when I slid open the doors, thinking they were broken or something, I triggered an alarm (so basically broke in, though whoever locked up should have locked the doors so that couldn't have happened) and the police called the manager Bob (which I didn't know until he showed up 45 minutes later and was angry). So he took his anger out on me, and I was in a terrible mood, then I also started my period, and then I felt like my supervisor was being short with me and we had a slight argument. Finally I got to go home, and 20 minutes after being home, my supervisor called to talk. I went in my parents' room while my family was out watching conference. He apologized for the misunderstanding that day and then had feedback from the top manager dude to give me about being unprofessional and offending customers when I tell them I'm only working this job temporarily, which came as a total surprise, and I felt awful. I took the call gracefully and meekly, and I will improve and do better. I know I've made mistakes and I'm learning important lessons. But let's just say that day took quite the emotional toll on me and I am so glad I have Monday off! I think that exhaustion leaked into watching the evening Saturday session because I fell asleep during most of it, even though we had some young adults over from the ward (Val had invited the whole ward, only a few showed up). We played skull king afterwards, which I was dominating at, even though we didn't keep scores.

Sunday was really good. I got to talk with my mom and reflect over lessons I'd learned from what had happened the day before. I got to watch conference with my family, all of us on the couch, and then I got to take a nap between sessions. I had some good insights that came into my mind as I was watching about how my purpose, the thing that will add the most purpose to my life, is to love and uplift those around me, just whoever God puts in my path. No matter if I'm going to school or not, working or not, I will always have a calling in the church, people in my ward, and my family to serve and send God's love to. Plus no matter what job I hold, I can be an example of Jesus Christ's love. 

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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