Sunday, October 31, 2021

Happy Halloween

 25 October - 31 October 2021

I was able to do lots of school work during work early on this week. On Tuesday, I had voice lessons with Christina Jarman. I am working on "The Next Right Thing" from Frozen 2. I love that song. I went ice skating later in the morning. That evening, I brought over leftover dinner to my ministering sister, Savannah. On Wednesday, I worked and attended Come, Follow Me study group in the evening. I felt the Spirit. Sometimes I feel impatient or annoyed with I attend these types of events because the people don't do a good job leading the discussion, but I am always humbled and reminded that it is Jesus Christ that teaches me through the Spirit. I will always feel the Spirit with the right intentions and attitude. And I did. The Spirit taught me, for a little moment. Even though overall the lesson was dragging on. So I don't know if I want to keep going back. On Thursday, I played racquetball in the morning with mom and Sean. I suck. But I think I'm getting better. I attended a free institute lunch. The food was really good, but the company was super weird. That evening, we caught the tail end of institute and then went to the stake dance. We all dressed up. I was Cinderella when she was a worker-slave. Friday evening, we had our ward Halloween party in our yard. I wore Lucy's Maleficent costume. I think a lot of people had fun. I didn't. Lots of people showed up two hours late, and I was already wiped out and just went to bed by 8:30pm. On Saturday evening, Lucy had a party for her friends. At first, only one person came. But a lot more showed up 2 hours late. We made homemade smoked pizzas that were SO good! On Sunday, I saw some tall cute guys visiting our ward, which made me excited. I forgot how nice it is to look forward to being around attractive men. I made an effort to go over and talk after sacrament meeting, but nothing really happened. Oh well. I went with my ministering partner to drop off cupcakes to the sisters we minister to, then made it back a bit late for family dinner, which was yummy mashed potatoes and roast. Then we had a lot of family come over in the evening to visit and play games--grandma and grandpa Burnham and Doug, Heidi, and Zeb.

Much love,
Emily Burnham

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