Sunday, July 31, 2022

Harry Potter's Birthday

 25 July - 31 July 2022

This week I finished my Harry Potter movie marathon! I watched all 8 movies, plus the Fantastic Beasts movies (don't fear, I started the week before, so I didn't cram all of those into one week). And today happens to be Harry Potter's birthday! Too bad I didn't plan ahead to make the classic HP bday cake!! But I'm now officially ready to go to Harry Potter World in Orlando! I leave this next week to Florida, where I'll have five days of schooling and then I'm staying an extra two days to go to Universal Studios. Tickets weren't cheap, but when am I ever going to get another chance to go? This past week I also went to the dentist and found out that I have a cavity, so I have to go back in tomorrow to get that taken care of... sad day. I don't really fancy going there. I got my hair done at Shelli's with my mom, got some new pairs of shoes, and had an eye appointment, where I found out my right eye is slightly better than my left and I'm a bit far sighted, which makes my eyes have to work extra hard to focus and see. My anxiety has been acting up these past two weeks, so I met with my prescriber and increased my medicine dosage a bit, and then I have a meeting with the therapist next week. I also met some new people this past week that I'm excited moved into our ward and I think will be fun to hang out with and befriend. My low of the week was getting a pretty bad bloody nose and no one being around to help as I felt like I was going to pass out and die, but then I prayed and a scripture came to mind (Psalms 3:5-6) that I just kept repeating over and over in my mind, and I felt like God was aware of me and there helping me, and my breathing calmed down and I felt like I could breathe again.

That pretty much sums up my week. Here's a picture of me with my reading glasses. Val says I look like a true Psychologist now. (Albeit, a tired one!)

Much love,

Emily Burnham

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